Edited by Cathy Tylka, for Let’s Talk Plants! December 2022.

This month's question: Do you grow anything that you use as a November table delight? It can be a recipe of something from your garden or orchard…or a decoration you make from some of your garden delights!
Ida Rigby shares…
...My toyon trees provide lovely seasonal berries, which I use for centerpieces. They also surround my December Bûche de Noël on its platter. Pomegranates are luminous against the tree’s canary yellow leaves and make coffee table still lives. The flame-colored leaves of the bird-planted Chinese pistachio decorate the November garden. It’s a tree that lives on the seasonal rainfall as do the toyons and pomegranates. Behind the Chinese pistachio is a 30-year-old toyon.

Sue Fouquette of 92020 states…
... We have an overabundance of ripe pomegranates. I sprinkle the arils on cereal and salads. Charley juices them. They are also an attractive fall decoration.
Susi Torre-Bueno responded…

...If our tangerines are ripe, I write names on them and use them as place cards for our Thanksgiving dinner table.

Karen England of 92084 proclaims this...
... I decorate with some Bolivian Sunflower, lemon balm and feverfew from the autumn garden.

Leslie Nelson proclaims…
...I have a passion fruit vine. I am going to use the fruit in a passion fruit cheesecake.

Susan Starr shared…
...I’ll be making cranberry guava sauce. I don’t have any left over from last year. But here are some of the guavas I’ll be using.

Susan added this question for me, "Will you share your chutney recipe?
And so, I responded, Cathy Tylka of 92026…
… I make pineapple guava chutney. Eat some and share with friends!

Here’s the recipe:
Guava Chutney
4 cups guava pulp (scooped with lime juice to prevent discoloration)
1 ½ c cups sugar
1-2 tablespoons grated fresh ginger root
3 tablespoons lemon or lime juice
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon allspice
Combine and cook, in pot on stove, slowly until thick, stirring often, about 30-45 minutes. Pour into hot, sterilized jars, and seal immediately. You can substitute finely chopped orange or lemon (including peel) for part of guava.
This year I had some leftover pears, so I used them with raisins!
Upcoming December 2022 Question for Sharing Secrets -
December in San Diego can be glorious, share some of the glory of your garden!
