Edited by Cathy Tylka, for Let’s Talk plants! August 2023.

This month’s question:
Here comes the sun …
... What is being helped or harmed in your garden by the sun?
What are you doing about it? Is your plan working?
Beatles Here Comes the Sun video
Ida Rigby of 92064, responded …
… My guess is everything is being helped by the sun's energy. I just have to help things along with returning to watering after the rains and the months of gray and gloom. Many plants are hunkering down for the dry summer to come. The Chitalpas are in glorious bloom, like never before. The pomegranate blossoms are swelling at their bases. I tend the portulaca rock garden, which for me is the essence of summers spent at my grandmother’s. Basically, I just keep an eye out for any water stressed plants. Given the prevalence of natives and Australian and South African plants in the garden, there should not be many (except of course for tomato) of summer’s irresistible water hogs.
Gerald D. Stewart of 92084, lamented…
… I am being harmed by the sun. I've reached an age where even only 80°F. can make me woozy in the sunshine. The solution is to be out early in the morning’s cool to get the physical projects finished that maintaining the acre requires before it gets very warm. The challenge is that I end up enjoying it so much that I often work a little too long, and all of a sudden realize that I'm drenched in perspiration. That prompts me to head into the house, sit in front of a fan, and drink iced tea.

Editor’s note: And I say to that, “good for you Gerald,” enjoy the moment and looking at your lovely garden.
Cathy Tylka of 92026, exclaims...
… I am being rewarded after several years of drought. The rain allows my jacaranda tree to go crazy with blooms and makes me super happy to view. The orange cross Aniozanthus are enjoying the sun! The sedum never fails. And the agaves are happy. One is even blooming. I believe it is a blue agave.
And my roses remain exquisite!

Karen England of 92084 shared…
… The sun is always welcome in my garden, but what I really love is when the sun sets in the evening, and I can spend time outside with friends enjoying a sunny cocktail in the garden by the fire pit.
Now, the question for next month…
“We’re having a heat wave...” Can you hear me singing?
What to do? What summer gems of advice do you have to keep your garden healthy and producing or do you just give up? Is there something you have learned that you can share with us on planting, watering, mulching, etc.?
Also, is there anything that you do to protect yourself from the elements of sun, dirt, pokey things and heavy objects that you can share with us so that we don’t harm ourselves in the process of playing in the garden?
