By Karen England, for Let's Talk Plants! November 2023.
At the June 2023 San Diego Horticultural Society general meeting, Kyle Icke, who is not only the VP of the San Diego Bonsai Club but is also a SD County Park Ranger who resides at Oakoasis Park (near Barona Casino), invited the members of the SDHS to come one Sunday in October to his personal garden at his park home to meet all of his Bonsai trees, not just the trees that he brought with him to CBI! Did you miss this hybrid general meeting with Kyle Icke in June 2023 or wish to see it again? The Zoom recording is on our YouTube channel.
In October he invited the membership to his home garden to meet the rest of his trees and here's the report:
"It's not hoarding if it's plants" - Kyle Icke
Kyle had so much fun introducing us to all of his bonsai trees at his home that he sent me (Karen) an email the next day thanking us for coming! He beat me to the thank you punch... I personally had the best time and learned so much. I took dozens of photos and made pages of notes on my phone while he patiently talked and walked us through his entire bonsai collection, but if you have questions about any of these pictures, please contact Kyle, not me, because I am not the best at shorthand and the notes that I made that day mostly read as gobbledygook when I got home. He knows the varieties, history, style and in many cases costs and more about every plant in his care. It's amazing. Contact - San Diego Bonsai Club
Hollywood Juniper, Juniperus chinensis 'Torulosa', tanuki. Tanuki means "fake out" in Japanese.
The following picture and accompanying information about Tanuki are excerpted from the SS CurtainBonsi - San Diego Bonsai Club - author uncredited (possibly Kyle? If I find out who
wrote this, I will update, but I believe we saw this exact bonsai at his home, but I have no clear picture of it to share).
"What is Tanuki?
The Japanese Tanuki is a shape-shifting mythical animal known as a trickster. Its name is applied to this interesting bonsai technique. This is my wisteria. But does that trunk look like a wisteria? In fact, it is not. This pot contains two dead rosemary trunks. A wisteria is also planted in the pot and then wired and tied to the rosemary. Over time, the wisteria will become attached to the point where the wire and string can be removed. At that point this will be a Tanuki, a bonsai that plays a delightful trick on the eye. I won this pot in the raffle at a bonsai show in LA. Minutes afterward someone offered me $200 for it. I really considered it for a moment because I had no immediate use for such a pot. In the end I declined and that turned out to be a great decision because it really displays my Tanuki well."
This pine bonsai was made using a trunk splitting technique (the tool used looks a little like an ice block picker...) and wired rock weights to keep the shape.
Yaupon holly, Ilex vomitoria.
Learn about Back-Budding - San Diego Bonsai Club
"Sumo bonsai is a style of bonsai tree. It is categorized as having a thick wide trunk near the topsoil with a gradual taper the higher the trunk grows. Sumo bonsai also have low hanging branches and a wide triangle-shaped leaf canopy. Most deciduous plant species work well for this style."
Needleleaf Ficus set in a tray of playground sand.
The back garden was a lush fruit, herb and vegetable patch complete with a rescued rooster that roams the verdant garden freely. A garden that also houses more bonsai such as myoporum, portulaca jade (old looking trunk on young plant), little fruiting mulberry, bougainvillea that did what Kyle calls the "bougie dance" which means the arrival of deadwood that Kyle will carve later and more.
Deer defoliated the elm then it quickly back-budded like crazy so, of course, the deer defoliated it again. Six months after the second defoliated go round, it back-budded again and finally Kyle had his desert island bonsai - The Sea Serpent.
Kyle's secrets to bonsai success; use bigger pots and cactus mix.