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  • SDHS 25th Anniversary

  • Monarch Butterflly Survey

  • Volunteer Coordinator Wanted

  • Gala in the Garden at SDBG

  • WaterSmart Classes for September and October

  • Worm Composting Workshop


SDHS 25th Anniversary Celebration

Join us at our monthly meeting on September 9, to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of SDHS. In addition to hearing from an outstanding landscape designer, Daniel Nolan, you can shop our vendor fair and enjoy catered appetizers, a celebration cake, and over 25 free raffle prizes. Doors open at 5:00 pm.

Monarch Butterfly Survey

Master Gardeners of San Diego County are launching a monarch butterfly survey. Little is known about how local monarchs and monarch gardens fare under environmental stress. Contact to learn how you can help. Or, beginning in October, take the survey.

Volunteer Coordinator Needed

SDHS is searching for a new Volunteer Coordinator. This Board position requires a maximum of 5 hours monthly, and a larger commitment during the two months prior to the SDHS Spring Garden Tour. The Coordinator solicits, schedules and organizes volunteers for activities; requests volunteers on email or at the monthly meeting; and organizes the annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast. For more information or to volunteer, please email

Gala in the Garden at San Diego Botanic Garden!

This year's Gala, Cultivating Community, will be held on Saturday, September 7, from 5-10 pm; Cost: $250 per person. Includes a sneak peek at the new Dickinson Family Education Conservatory!

Fall WaterSmart Classes

The schedule of classes and registration for San Diego County Water Authority's WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Workshops is now available for September and October. Homeowners can learn more about participating in the free four-class series at​

Free Home Composting Workshop

The City of San Diego’s Environmental Services Department is offering a free home worm composting workshop in San Diego on Saturday, October 12th, 10am - 12pm at Tecolote Canyon Natural Park and Nature Center, 5180 Tecolote Road, San Diego, CA 92110 . RSVP to guarantee your spot. 858-581-9944.


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