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SD HORT BOOK CLUB: It's Been A Year And 12 Great Books!

By Karen England, head SD Hort Book Club Muckety-muck, for Let's Talk Plants! February, 2022.

“When I was your age, television was called books.”

― William Goldman, The Princess Bride

On January 31st, at the most recent SDHBC meeting, in addition to the discussion of Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Kimmerer, the members voted unanimously to move the SD Hort Book Club meeting day permanently to the 1st Monday of every month on Zoom instead of the last. No time changes were purposed.

Want to join the book club? It's easy. Send an email to with Book Club in the subject line and you will be added to the roster.

The new reading schedule is:

· March 7th will be The Seed Keeper by Diane Wilson.
· April 4th will be In Search Of Lost Roses by Thomas Christopher. (In April voting on the coming quarter's reading will commence. Books with a horticultural bent of some kind may be nominated for SDHBC consideration at any time but will be called for periodically throughout the year. Send titles for nomination to Karen by email
· May 2nd will be Turn Here For Sweet Corn by Atina Diffley.

What We’ve Read so Far –

January 2021 - The Language of Flowers by V. Diffenbaugh.
February 2021 - The Food Explorer by D. Stone. March 2021 - Green Mansions by W. H. Hudson. April 2021 - A Memory of Violets by H. Gaynor.
May 2021 - Founding Gardeners by A. Wulf. June 2021 - Elizabeth and Her German Garden by E. von Arnim. July 2021 - In Praise of Tomatoes by S. Shepherd. August 2021 - Undaunted Courage by S. Ambrose. September 2021 - Around the World in 80 Plants/Trees both by J. Drori.
October 2021 - American Eden by V. Johnson. November/December 2021 – Finding The Mother Tree by S. Simard.
January 2022 – Braiding Sweetgrass by R. Kimmerer.



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