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NEW TREASURER NEEDED: Get A Board Application Online - Want a little more info? Read On...

By the SD Hort Board of Directors, for Let's Talk Plants! October 2024.

Contact Ray at with questions or to volunteer. Board applications are filled out online here:

Dear Members,

Your society needs a new Treasurer. Be an active part of the San Diego Horticultural Society and join with an exciting Board of Directors contributing to horticultural education. Generally, less than an hour each week plus a bi-monthly board meeting is all that is required. 

Ray Brooks has been our Treasurer for about eight years and it's time for him to retire to his own garden. Ray will be available with assistance during the transition.

Contact Ray at with questions or to volunteer. Board applications are filled out online here:

Thank you,        

Your Board of Directors

San Diego Horticultural Society

Want a little more info?

Ray has kindly outlined pertinent information about the position:

Expected Qualifications

No Experience serving on other Boards and/or Executive Committees is required.

The Treasurer candidate should understand basic bookkeeping/accounting.

The candidate should know that they will have the support of the past Treasurer and other board members familiar with SDHS systems and our experienced bookkeeper.

Desktop or laptop computer with printer is needed. Ability to copy documents desirable.


Time Commitment

The time required to perform the Treasurer’s duties will vary based on the number of transactions and monthly tasks. Annual tasks like budget preparation and review of prepared tax returns add time.

The average time is 1-2 hours/week plus the bi-monthly Board meeting and annual tasks.

Pick up mail at PO Box monthly (could be assigned to someone else).



The Treasurer is responsible for:

               Payment of Invoices using SDHS credit card, ACH direct pay, Wells Fargo Bill Pay and on rare occasions ‘writes’ a check.

Providing the bookkeeper with original documents to complete invoice processing.

               Creating financial reports for Board Meetings.

               Making deposits when necessary (usually 1 or 2 a month normally done remotely).

               And a little more. Ask Ray...

Bookkeeper: the Treasurer position is supported by the Bookkeeper who:

Spends about 10-15 hours per month, using Quickbooks Online, categorizing expenses, and may make entries into the general ledger.

Bookkeeper reconciles the SDHS monthly bank statement.

          Bookkeeper maintains historical documents

Distributes ‘Tree Books’ to new members



Wells Fargo Bank: The Treasurer will maintain/review the bank account and use Wells Fargo Bill Pay system.

Wild Apricot (WA): is our membership system. Also collects donations and fees for special events.

AffiniPay: is used for processing membership payments by credit card. AffiniPay is fully integrated with Wild Apricot and Wells Fargo Bank. It automatically transfers funds from WA to the Wells Fargo bank account daily.

Quickbooks Online: Bookkeeper is the primary User. Treasurer can apply payments and run reports.


SDHS is a nonprofit, Public Benefit, Charity Registration.

We carry Commercial General Liability and Board of Directors Coverage.



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