Greg Rubin was the San Diego Horticultural Society’s 2018 Horticulturist of the Year, and he is the president and founder of California’s Own Native Landscape Design Co. He is a licensed landscape contractor who has been working with California native plants since 1985.
In this meeting recording he’s discussing "Firescaping: Fire Resistant Native Landscapes Are NOT An Oxymoron!" This presentation was recorded and used here with permission.
To promote fire safety, Greg recommends
Thinning chaparral in the 30-100’ radius around a house located adjacent to wildlands, targeting dead wood, all non-native weeds, and the most flammable natives. By removing approximately 50% of the coverage, 60-80% of the fuel is removed. Do not remove native root systems, so as to minimize disturbance and erosion.
Mulch up the native debris and blow it back on site to help prevent the return of weeds.
Add paths, sitting areas, bird baths and low native perennial color to enhance the area “carved out” from a mature native landscape from impenetrable chaparral.

Greg is co-author, with Lucy Warren, of the book "The California Native Landscape: The Homeowners’ Design Guide to Restoring its Beauty and Balance," published by Timber Press, 2013. This popular native horticultural literary work covers all aspects of native landscape design, installation, and maintenance.

He and Lucy published a second book, "The Drought Defying California Garden", also published by Timber Press in 2016.
Greg's website is: www.calown.com http://calown.com/index.html
Apropos this topic, did you know there are herbs and herbal preparations useful for dealing specifically with fire season? Learn more in the Mountain Rose Herbs Blog...
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