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MEET THE SDHS BOARD: John Beaudry, Spring Garden Tour Chairman

Photo credit:
John Beaudry's personal garden sanctuary.

By Ken Gland.

Even though our San Diego Horticultural Society's big garden tour of Poway was cancelled this year that does not negate all the hard work that SDHS board member John Beaudry put into organizing the event. Be sure to thank him for his efforts whenever we are able to meet again, whether in person or virtually. In the meanwhile, here's a little about John to help you get to know this hard-working member of our board.

In these days of social distancing and self-isolation it is especially timely for you learn that John has a highly rated gardening book selling on Amazon currently and that he is offering several chapters of the book free through his YouTube channel and on his website that includes free virtual consultations - Read on . . .

Photo credit: John Beaudry.
Cover of John Beaudry's book Garden Sanctuary.

John Beaudry is a garden artist and landscape contractor who believes from personal experience that we need a sanctuary from the craziness of life, a place to retreat, ground and center ourselves. Your garden can provide that respite for you. He knows this firsthand.

"When I thought I was dying from HIV, my garden was my place to heal. Now, 35 years later, here I am. And my garden still sustains me." - John Beaudry, 2020

John Beaudry

John connects people to nature. He does this through John Beaudry Landscape Design, where he creates restorative outdoor living spaces; and through Garden Sanctuary: Designing for Comfort, Wholeness, and Connection, a how-to garden design book that takes readers on a transformative journey of creating their own garden sanctuary. Through his not-for-profit Community Green, he is committed to having every major U.S. city implement green roof infrastructure programs by 2025, thereby creating green cities for everyone.

John has made another personal commitment as well, to help more people create their own personal sanctuary. To that end he is offering the first two chapters of his book, Garden Sanctuary, for free. He is also offering free virtual consultations. You can walk him though your yard with your phone and tell him about what you want to achieve. He can then give you a quote for the design. Should you decide to hire him, he can present concept drawings via Zoom and send all the documents via internet. The design process takes four to six weeks.

Thanks John! That's just what we need!


San Diego Horticultural Society Board



Publicity Chair






Membership Coordinator


Newsletter Editor


Workshop Coordinator


Garden Tour Coordinator


Outreach Coordinator


Past President



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