By Dennis Mudd, for Let’s Talk Plants! March 2025.

EASYSCAPE: Makes Gardening Easy!
Easyscape is a new website designed to help people all over the world find the right plants for their location and design their gardens.
Almost four years in the making, it's a family project run by Dennis Mudd (creator of Calscape and SDHS member), his wife Pamela, and sons Sam and Charlie.

The new site allows anyone to easily see which plants are native, drought tolerant or temperature hardy for their specific location, and then filter them for a wide variety of purposes and site characteristics. It also includes a powerful garden design tool allowing users to place their chosen plants on an aerial garden background map in exactly the desired spot, with representative icons for each plant species.

The foundation of Easyscape are the plant lists created for each square mile of land on earth, built from over 100 million plant observations and over 6 billion climate and elevation measurements. The site's database covers almost 14K plants carried in nurseries around the world, with native range maps, photos, descriptions and growing requirements to help you choose which ones are right for your garden.

If you’re interested in trying Easyscape, they are offering SD Hort members a coupon for a free high resolution aerial background map (from NearMap) for use in the Easyscape garden designer.
Please email Pamela at This is a limited time offer and is only available to our society's members.
Go to to start your easy garden experience.
