Leafy Greens Juice
By Karen England, for Let's Talk Plants! March 2022.

Since I have a burgeoning raised bed of mixed greens growing outside my front door, something I have been inspired to grow by reading and listening to Let's Talk Plants! contributors Sommer Cartier and Farmer Roy over the last few years, I am trying to incorporate large handfuls of fresh herbs and salad leaves into each of my meals.

Recently I had a salmon bagel herb salad (think deconstructed salmon bagel...) for breakfast and a tuna melt with salad for lunch and a green drink made also with homegrown citrus for dinner.

If you don't have a juicer but have fresh greens to juice, you might want to get one and should find this review for 2022 of different leafy greens juicers helpful as you shop.
For myself, I have no need of buying another juicer because I own a Vitamix gotten long ago at the SD County Fair, a Juiceman juicer gotten at Costco years ago, a Breville Citrus Press gotten in 2014 at Sur la Table and a Waring Blender that was a wedding present in 1989. They all serve their purposes and work great. I have replaced the blender carafe repeatedly over the years due to the glass breaking (my fault not Waring's, I'm clumsy) and use a site like this to source parts.
