Epiphyllum Vogelii.jpg × Disophyllum 'Vogelii' (Probably not the same 'Vogelii' as published in Blühende Kakteen or Iconographia Cactacearum, in 1900). Found on Wikimedia Commons.
Did you miss the April Zoom Meeting presented by master gardener and SD Epi Society president Gretchen Ward? Never fear! The meeting recording is on our YouTube channel. Link above to watch.
Gretchen Ward has grown “Epies” in San Diego for the better part of twenty-five years and has taken her plants with her to grow in different parts of the country for an additional twenty years when her job required her to move.
She is the past-president of the San Diego Epiphyllum Society and a San Diego Master Gardener, until her recent relocation to New Mexico. When she moved, she was unable to take her full collection of approximately 400 plants with her but took some of her favorites and some cuttings to start over in their new climate.
She shared her fascination with these beautiful plants with us and the surprising results about their ancestry that recent DNA testing has revealed.
Don't miss this!

Annual Mother's Day Flower Show and Sale
Mother's Day weekend May 7-8, 2022,
in Balboa Park Casa del Prado.
SDES will hold its annual in-person Mother’s Day Show and Sale. The Flower Show is Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in room 101. The plant and cutting sale is Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. through 4 p.m.
Free admission to both events
Please join us as we enjoy the latest gorgeous Epiphyllum hybrids as well as many species and epicacti.
