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By Frank Mitzel.

Our monthly meeting in May launched Nan Sterman's latest book, "Hot Color, Dry Garden". Nan gave a presentation that highlighted some of her photographs and information in her new book which suggests ways to use color in plants, structures, and garden ornamentation in our warm weather climate.

Please join us for our meeting in June for "A Night at the Fair" at the San Diego County Fair Flower and Garden Show stage to honor our SDHS 2018 Horticulturist of the Year, Greg Rubin. Greg has made a tremendous impact on our how we use native plants in our regional landscaping. We will serve a celebratory cake for all attendees, and a full no host bar is available to toast our honoree and allow you to roam around with drink in hand to view the Flower and Garden Show exhibits, including our own spectacular SDHS exhibit created by SDHS members.

This year's Garden Show theme, "Living the Sweet Life", showcases more than a dozen gardens, including our own "Water Less, Work Less, and Enjoy More of the Sweet Life" exhibit spearheaded by SDHS member Terry Chamberlin. Terry designed and supervised the complete installation of the SDHS exhibit, spending countless hours over many months to create a garden that (at press time) has already received the maximum amount of 500 points ($5000 in prize money) awarded by the County Fair! With her design incorporating drought tolerant plants (including many natives and succulents), a dry stream bed, vintage colorful wrought iron patio furniture, field boulders, a garden house constructed by SDHS member William Van Dusen, and stain glass windows designed and created by Terry herself, we are sure to see more awards for later this week after the rest of the show judging is complete. Our June meeting is going to be very exciting!

The Board approved an award of $2000 in scholarship money this month for students enrolled in Horticultural and Landscape Design programs at Cuyamaca College. The money will be awarded to students by the Department Chair based on their grade point average, dedication to completing the horticultural/botanical/landscape program they are enrolled in, and demonstrated need for the scholarship (based on employment or financial status). Additional student scholarship funds will be distributed to other local horticultural programs in the near future. We're so grateful to be able to support and inspire future generations of horticulturalists to help continue the good works of the San Diego Horticultural Society in our efforts to promote horticulture in the San Diego region.


Our Mission  To inspire and educate the people of San Diego County to grow and enjoy plants, and to create beautiful, environmentally responsible gardens and landscapes.


Our Vision   To champion regionally appropriate horticulture in San Diego County.

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