By Frank Mitzel.
We had a tremendous end of the year for the SDHS! Both the October meeting featuring Debra Lee Baldwin's presentation, Designing with Succulents in the New San Diego Garden, and Rick Darke's Gardens of the High Line book signing and lecture were very well attended; close to 250 attendees were at the October meeting alone.
At the Monday, November 20th, Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved in advance to have a repeat of the Succulent Faire for our March 12th, 2018 meeting featuring Jeff Moore, who will be speaking about and launching his new book, Soft Succulents. Mark your calendars for this event! Vendors will once again offer succulent plants, containers, and all things related to succulents.
The Board also approved hiring a part time executive director for the Society to aid the Board in the day-to-day operations of our organization. If you or anyone you know would be interested in this paid position averaging forty hours per month, then please contact any Board member and they can provide you with more details and a list of executive director duties.
With Thanksgiving just behind us, and as we head into the busy December holidays, we do not have a scheduled December monthly meeting. The Board wishes all our members a very happy holiday season, and we look forward to having you join us for our January 8th meeting featuring Gary Ferguson speaking about Land on Fire: The New Reality of Wildfire in the West.