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PLANT OF THE MONTH: Indian Clock Vine

By Sherrill Leist and Lisa Marun.

Each month, members bring in plants, cuttings, or flowers and put them in blue bottles on our display tables at the monthly meeting. What a great way to see which plants grow well in our area. EVERYONE is invited to participate. All plants are welcome. Write descriptions similar to those below and put them with your plant(s). Each month, we choose one of these plants to feature in our newsletter.

Join the fun and bring something to the next meeting. We thank those people who brought in plants to show to other members.

Plant of the Month: Indian Clock Vine

Thunbergia mysorensis INDIAN CLOCK VINE, LADY’S SLIPPER VINE, India

Indian Clock Vine

Bruce Hubbard contributed this attention magnet. It's a dramatic tropical clock vine draped in brilliant yellow curved blossoms with maroon tips, causing the plant to be nicknamed Lady’s Slipper.

This Indian native (named for the city of Mysore) will flourish in Southern California gardens and is partial to warm, frost-free climates, greenhouses, and special treatment. The evergreen vine with long, narrow dark green leaves may reach twenty feet in height, and it attracts birds to the sweet nectar of its bright blooms spring through autumn. (Bruce Hubbard, Rancho Santa Fe) – S.L.

In addition to the plant described above, we thank members who brought the following:

Sheila Busch: Bauhinia galpinii RED ORCHID TREE, South Africa

Jason Chen: Begonia 'Escargot', Horticultural hybrid; Blechnum occidentale HAMMOCK FERN, Southeast Asia; Leucophyllum zygophyllum 'Cimaron’ BLUE TEXAS RANGER, Southwest US; Pelargonium crispum SCENTED GERANIUM, US; Pelargonium ‘Citriodora’ VARIEGATED LEMON ROSE, US; Tibouchina urvilleana VARIEGATED PRINCESS FLOWER, Brazil

Donna Mellon: Cryptostegia grandiflora INDIA RUBBER VINE, Madagascar

Bruce Hubbard: Thunbergia grandiflora BLUE SKYFLOWER, India

Unknown contributor: Magnolia grandiflora SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA, Southeastern US

Our August 2017 issue featured our final Plant Display article in its previous format. With this issue, we move to a new format, featuring one plant each month. You can find descriptions of past plants featured in Plant Display at


Our Mission  To inspire and educate the people of San Diego County to grow and enjoy plants, and to create beautiful, environmentally responsible gardens and landscapes.


Our Vision   To champion regionally appropriate horticulture in San Diego County.

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