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February 2025
Monthly Meeting
14 hours ago
NEXT MEETING: Five Herbs That Changed History And You Can Grow Today! Presented By Karen England, February 15, 1:30p - 3p In-person Oasis, Rancho Bernardo
Unless otherwise stated, we meet the third Saturday of the month at 1:30p at San Diego Oasis in Rancho Bernardo, 17170 Bernardo Center...
May 31, 2021
SHARING SECRETS: Favorite Insects
Edited by Cathy Tylka. This Month's Question: “What’s your favorite insect or arachnoid? Does it fly, does it crawl, does it pollinate?...
Apr 30, 2021
SHARING SECRETS: Spring Has Sprung
Edited by Cathy Tylka. Question: Spring has Sprung! How is your place doing? My plants are flowering like crazy, and some never bloomed...
Apr 1, 2021
SHARING SECRETS: Spring Scene in the Garden
Edited by Cathy Tylka. Do you have bunnies, chickees or ducklings in your Garden? Yes, no, maybe so . . . well, what is on your Spring...
Mar 1, 2021
SHARING SECRETS: Signatures of Garden Love
February is the month for Valentines, hearts and flowers… Do you have any signatures of love in your garden and how can you share them?
Feb 1, 2021
SHARING SECRETS: Oops! What Did You Learn?
What did you learn from something that went wrong in your garden?
Jan 2, 2021
SHARING SECRETS: Has The Weather Got Your Plants Down?
Has the weather got your plants down . . . if yes, what are you doing about it? Weather includes heat, wind, overcast days, too much sun, d
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