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GARDEN SURROUNDINGS: Beauty In Nature Can Help Us Accept Change 

By Francesca Filanc, for Let’s Talk Plants! July 2024.

Beauty in nature can be found at home and on the road. Passionflower in the author's garden.

Beauty In Nature Can Help Us Accept Change
"Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty." - John Ruskin

My daughter Erica and her husband Jared lived in downtown San Francisco when they were first married. After a few years they decided to look for a home in Marin County that would have more room for raising a family. Both Erica and Jared are athletes and outdoor activities and being in the beauty of nature are important to them and now to their children too. Jared and Erica ride both mountain and street bikes. Erica is also a swimmer, and she runs with a group of women over Mount Tam, and all the way to Stinson Beach on some days. A few years ago, she did the Iron Man. Jared also practices tai chi and plays tennis.
"If one truly loves nature one finds beauty everywhere." - Vincent Van Gogh

They found a beautiful home with a garden in a little town in Marin County. When I go to visit them, I used to love to stay in a funky little bed-and-breakfast Inn that was in the center of their town. The Inn has a one flight of walkup stairs to all the rooms. I have always loved staying there because it is close to my family’s home. The owner has always taken great pride in all her roses and hanging flowers outside of each room upstairs.

Gradually though, it has been more difficult to manage the stairs to the Inn’s room when I visit my bay area family and I realized I needed to make a change. There have been times when I’ve stayed in an Airbnb and, although that was just delightful, the particular area in which it was located is mountainous and hilly making it also difficult manage but in different ways.

So just recently I bit the bullet and made reservations at the Sheraton, which is 25 minutes away from my kids and grandkids home. I’m happy with the decision knowing that I will have what I need at this stage in my life. I felt sad at first but now I am delighted to reflect on all those years that I enjoyed the beauty of the little Inn. The flowers surrounding me and being in the center of the little town.

The area up there is so beautiful, and I will enjoy the views of nature going to and from the hotel and feeling satisfied and happy that I have accepted the changes and being grateful for the elevator and a walk-in shower in a hotel.

The author is blessed to have a beautiful garden to enjoy at home. Photo credit: Francesca Filanc.

Once we can accept changes in life, it makes them easier to enjoy and we can even see the blessings in them. I am blessed to have a beautiful garden that I can enjoy at home and when I travel, wherever I go, I look for beauty. Probably without being aware of it, Erica and Jared are great teachers of living a balanced life in nature with each of them working hard in their own professions and playing hard in nature. Raising two beautiful children who appreciate and love the outdoors as well, playing tennis, swimming, riding bikes as a family and with their friends going to and from tennis and school.
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." - Aristotle

The balance of beauty in nature can help us accept inevitable changes in our lives.

When we learn how to balance our lives enjoying the beauty of the outdoors, we feel happier and filled with joy.

"Endless Love", yet another beautiful painting inspired by nature by Francesca Filanc.

May this July be filled with the great outdoors on trips, through exercise and just being for all of us.


Happy gardening!



Artist, author, photographer, fly-fisher woman, Francesca Filanc grew up in old Del Mar and these days lives, paints and gardens in historic Olivenhain with her two dogs.

Find her art and writings here:

She can be found on social media:

Have gardening questions or want to learn more about Francie’s art? Contact:



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